This Year’s Theme
Last year, we started exploring fresh perspectives through our annual themes, challenging viewers to think critically about pressing issues. This year, we're continuing that tradition and are happy to introduce our theme "Reaction”.

Reaction delves into our responses to the various stimuli that surround us. Reactions are triggered by the myriad influences we encounter daily—whether societal, cultural, personal, or environmental. As human beings, our agency lies in how we navigate and respond to these situations, transforming limitations into creative opportunities. Embracing our role as reactants in this ongoing interaction, we recognize that our responses—much like chemical reactions generating new substances—lead to the formation of transformative outcomes.

So, this year’s theme invites us to be responsive, present, and aware, acknowledging that even choosing not to react is a form of response in itself. How do our reactions affect our identity and worldview? In what ways can our expressions offer new perspectives on our collective and individual responses? How do filmmakers interpret and depict these interactions through visual storytelling? Through this exploration, two dedicated selections on Saturday will inspire a deeper understanding of how our reactions shape our narratives and influence the world around us.
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