The full program
of 04th Edition
will be released on
September 20th
We are happy to announce the program for HIVE's 4th edition!
Day One / 11.10.2024
Andrea Burelli / Refuge Worldwide
Opening / Ambient DJ Performance
Selection 1/ Plunge
76 min.
Plunge takes you on a journey to another dimension, where fundamental questions about life, connection, love, and obsession are explored from radically different perspectives. Through a series of thought-provoking stories, this selection invites you to confront these themes and challenges you to reflect on them in new and unexpected ways.
Luisa Arraes
18 min.
A woman invites her work team for a dinner. Her help does not show up. She is to host and serve with her son and daughter. They struggle to find their way around the kitchen from the wine opener to making tea.
Caner Sunar, Kasper Bisgaard
28 min.
Presented with a radical offer from his best friend, Deniz now faces a dilemma that would force him tochoose between his family and his boyfriend.
The Debris
Nino Klingler, Frédéric Jaeger
15 min.
For Fabian, it’s all a game: finding straight men who are curious, taking them home, undressing them one piece at a time. For Martin, everything is a health hazard. Until he meets Fabian.
Forever Yours
Elliott Louis McKee
15 min.
Following a devastating accident that leaves the love of her life, Sebastian, paralyzed, Valeria becomes his dedicated caretaker. Yet, beneath the surface of unwavering devotion, a disturbing obsession begins to emerge.
22:00 - 00:00
Temple Rat / Refuge Worldwide
Ambient DJ Performance
Day Two / 12.10.2024
Panel: Responding to the Now: The Power of Film in Times of Conflict and Injustice
With Şirin Fulya Erensoy, Viola Shafik and Basma Al-Sharif
During this year’s edition of Hive International Short Film Days, we will host a panel titled, with the participation of film scholar and filmmaker Viola Shafik and filmmaker Basma Al-Sharif and in conversation with film and media scholar Şirin Fulya Erensoy. In line with this year’s festival theme of reaction, the panel will explore how we maintain our voices amidst the ongoing failures of humanity and how, as filmmakers and scholars, we respond to the horrors of our time while finding hope, even when history seems hopelessly to repeat itself. What strategies can we adopt to create not only images of resistance that inspire political action and shift public opinion, but also to challenge the structures that uphold representational hierarchies and biases within film production and academic work? How do we confront the deliberate repression and censorship of certain knowledge systems in these fields and build a cultural resistance movement?
Viola Shafik is a German-Egyptian film theorist, curator, and filmmaker, who has written extensively on the history and culture of the so-called Arab world. Drawing on her recent book on documentary filmmaking in revolutionary contexts across Algeria, Morocco, Palestine and Syria, Shafik will discuss the complexities of documenting resistance and the ethical dilemmas faced by filmmakers capturing the realities of war and political upheaval. She will explore what it means to film and record such charged realities—how cinema can serve as both testimony and intervention, and the responsibility filmmakers bear when representing trauma, violence, and resistance.
As a Palestinian artist, Basma Al-Sharif's work examines the cyclical nature of political conflicts and seeks ways to produce images that not only reflect the consequences of colonization and occupation on a historical level but also incorporate the subjective experiences such histories have generated. She consciously bears witness to life itself, in an effort to represent Palestinian existence beyond the frames constructed by Western and Israeli media narratives that aim to erase, deny and obstruct the sight of such stories. Her contribution to the panel will focus on her approach to creating new visual languages to confront erasure and offer alternative representations of Palestinian life.
Selection 2 / Ouroboros
76 min.
This selection will present the feature film by our panelist, Basma Al-Sharif.
Basma Al-Sharif
Palestine, France, Belgium, Qatar
76 min.
An homage to the Gaza Strip based on the eternal return. A journey following one man through five different landscapes marks the end as the beginning, forgetting as the way forward, and the failure of civilization.
Selection 3 / Reaction
72 min.
Reaction delves into our responses to the various stimuli that surround us. Reactions are triggered by the myriad influences we encounter daily—whether societal, cultural, personal, or environmental. As human beings, our agency lies in how we navigate and respond to these situations, transforming limitations into creative opportunities. Embracing our role as reactants in this ongoing interaction, we recognize that our responses—much like chemical reactions generating new substances—lead to the formation of transformative outcomes.
So, this year’s theme invites us to be responsive, present, and aware, acknowledging that even choosing not to react is a form of response in itself. How do our reactions affect our identity and worldview? In what ways can our expressions offer new perspectives on our collective and individual responses? How do filmmakers interpret and depict these interactions through visual storytelling?
Wall, the Wall
Yusuf Ölmez
16 min.
Murat is a dedicated construction worker building a gargantuan wall for a boss whom none of the workers has ever seen. After the departure of his colleague, Ali, and his relocation on the other side of the wall imposed by Yavuz, the boss' right-hand, Murat sinks into a whirlwind of tension that leads him to struggle to meet the man he works for.
The Cascade
Pablo Delgado Sanchez
21 min.
A man discovers he's been crying for several months without even noticing. Strangely, his tear ducts have decided to work in an inverse manner, transforming his interiors into a waterfall. The man will have to find a way to stop a cry that he can't even feel.
I don’t want to be just a memory
Sarnt Utamachote
20 min.
Fellow members of the Berlin queer community mourn together the loss of their dead friends due to substance abuse and the mental health crisis as well as the loss of urban safe spaces in general. By sharing personal materials, stories, and honest criticism about the club scene, working on this film becomes a means of healing for this group of friends. Resembling glow-in-the-dark fungi, they radiate light together as a network of support and care, they transform dead bodies and memories into a collective structure that sustains future living.
Between Delicate and Violent
Şirin Bahar Demirel
Turkey, Netherlands
15 min.
‘Between Delicate and Violent’ is an experimental documentary that considers hands as memory places that can both accumulate and transfer memories. Through hands and their creations, it imagines unearthing lost memories that have not been included in performative, socially acceptable family albums. Can we see the violence of the painter’s hands in the brush strokes of his paintings? Could cross-stitch be an alphabet of some sort? The video connects with the director’s personal past through imagination and creation, while opening up to larger human stories such as domestic violence and intergenerational trauma and resistance.
22:00 - 23:45
Richard Akingbehin / Refuge Worldwide
Ambient DJ Performance
Selection 4 / Midnight
56 min.
When everything is at its darkest, we hope for the morning.
Lake of Fire
11 min.
The fear of death can only be conquered if people believe in a powerful savior - otherwise eternal damnation in hell is waiting. The documentary found footage collage LAKE OF FIRE shows the dualistic view of Evangelicals and the fatal consequences for planet earth.
Voice Messages From Bakhmut
Ihor Babaiev
Ukraine, Lithuania
15 min.
Bakhmut, Donetsk region, 2022. A story about an attempt to restore intimacy amidst the distance imposed by war. It unfolds through the voice messages of a foreign correspondent stationed in a front-line city.
Elefsina Notre Amour
Mahdi Fleifel
9 min.
Deserted landscapes, ancient ruins and abandoned shipwrecks at sea. Elefsina’s archeological sites don’t come close to being as hauntingly beautiful as these dead ships. They stand majestically like memorial sculptures and bring a magnetism to the eye. In fact, these are the neglected refugees of Elefsina. For how did they end up there, anyway? What's their story? That's the story I want to know. ElefsinaNotre Amour is a short sci-fi essay, a timeless archive, filmed on 16mm color Kodak.
Villa Madjo
Elen Sylla Grollimund
13 min.
Starting from the observation that her father -who is white- was born in Africa, and that her mother -who is black- was born in Europe, the director reveals the complex history of her family, from colonialism to their experience of the interracial couple in Europe in the 1950's and 70's.
Fin. Finito. Infinito.
Laurence Henriquez
8 min.
Straddling the liminality between documentary, satire and science fiction, Fin. Finito. Infinto. is a testament to the last day of light on an “alien” planet whose civilization has known for 1000 years that its star would die out. Ironic detachment and poetic license are utilized to “lift the veil” off the everyday banalities of an island resort town, transforming it into a landscape of caprice and myth blissfully careening toward apocalypse.
Day Three / 13.10.24
Selection 5 / Rock Paper Scissors
61 min.
The randomness of our physical existence on this planet doesn't recognise any human-made borders. We do not choose where we are born, or what circumstances we will face. This selection explores the political implications of this randomness. It looks at how the circumstances we are born into can have a profound impact on our lives, and how the choices we make can have far-reaching consequences. It shows that we are all subject to the forces of politics and power. But it is also a reminder that we are not powerless even if the odds are stacked against us.
Involuntary Obsolescence - Floating Grounds
Jaeik Kim
20 min.
What is the end result of the disparity between individualized memories, corporate profits, and the public’s exposure to risk, a gap born from varied perceptions of this phenomenon? The cyclical flow, from consumption to memory and from production to disposal, operates uniquely across various spaces and times. In our living spaces, materialized thoughts are eventually discarded, creating a ‘Dead Zone’. While it’s possible to observe the underpinnings of tangible and intangible phenomena that move through time and space in varied ways, we often overlook these intricate details. Owning these consumer products, which serve as a bridge between places and non-places, may offer significant personal experiences over time. However, this can also contribute to market distortions and generate unintended external consequences(Externality). This disconnect, linking corporations and capital with environmental destruction, forms what we know as the ‘Dead Zone’, which continues to wander through our world. a
The Song
Bani Abidi
22 min.
Bani Abidi’s film ‘The Song’ draws on the artist's interest in sound and migration and on what it means to be displaced. It follows the fictional story of an elderly man who has recently arrived in a new and unfamiliar European city. He confronts the isolation and silence of his new apartment by creating his own soundscapes to recreate what is familiar and reassuring. The film poignantly highlights the realities of migration, homesickness, yearning and loss. The film was commissioned by the Film and Video Umbrella, UK.
Chasing the Sun: El Shatt
Ana Bilankov
19 min.
The film touches on some historical facts about the largest refugee camp El Shatt in the Sinai desert in Egypt during the WWII, based on materials from Croatian and international archives and intertwined with the visuals of this desert non-place now. An attempt to reconstruct a fragmented memory of unknown history about migration in the Mediterranean as a transtemporal filmic journey.
Selection 6 / Awakening
60 min.
Awakening is about the moments of realization and transformation we experience as we grow and age. It speaks to the subtle yet profound turning points in life that shape who we are and reminds us that we can move closer to our authentic selves by daring to rewrite both the stories we are told and the ones we tell ourselves.
Olga Melanich
15 min.
The 10-year old boy failed to get his father's affection, so he got carried away by teenagers on mtb-bikes that he loses his little sister and then gets lost in the forest himself.
And I Talk Like a River
Qian Ning
12 min.
A boy, labeled as a troublemaker, is taken by his mother to a strange temple. Contrary to his mother's hopes, the boy continues his unruly behavior. There, he meets a child referred to as the "monster," who takes his mischievous actions in stride. Through this child's perspective, the boy learns the value of life. Following the child's gaze, one can feel that the teachings of nature resonate more deeply than any sermon.
The Boy With the Pearl Earring
Jonas Erler
9 min.
The boy is familiar with his surroundings. Everyday life tells itself. His path is linear and without any detours. Slowly, doubts creep into his mind and he begins to question the status quo. Where does his path lead?
The Pointy Slippers
Christina Acevedo
The United States
8 min.
Holding in pain can be deadly. The PointySlippers tells the story of a woman who, on a date, conceals the excruciating pain caused by her new shoes, only to discover that her hidden suffering takes on a life of its own, becoming impossible to ignore.
Farewell to Myself
Shixiong Luo
16 min.
Fang has been diagnosed with breast cancer for 20 years, and her relationship with her husband Yang has been cold and detached. Not until Yang is diagnosed with late-stage brain cancer, she starts learning to care about him. The repaired relationship does not last long as Yang dies soon. Fang cannot let it go until she meets Lily, who resembles the young Fang, tracing her past like a mirror. Fang gradually let go the death of her husband and faces the impermanence of life. Fang let go of the birds she raised,expecting to meet them in another dimension.
Tuned /
The full program for our 04th Edition will be released on the 16th of September 2024. Be reminded by signing up to our yearly Newsletter.
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